Q.1: In what year was the Treaty of Paris, which established the European Coal and Steel Community, signed?
A: The European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) was proposed by Robert Schuman on 9 May 1950, was established by the Treaty of Paris, signed on 18 April 1951, and entered into force on 23 July 1952. The day of the ‘Schuman Declaration’ is now celebrated as Europe Day. The European Community, literally built on steel, has provided Europe with peace and prosperity ever since. In 2023, the Gross Value Added (GVA) generated by the EU steel industry amounted to €152 billion.
Q.2: There are more than 3,500 different grades or qualities of steel in use today. How many of these have been developed only in the past two decades?
A: 75% of the 3,500 grades of steel in use today have been developed in the past 20 years. They are ever better-performing, lighter and greener to respond to innovation needs in all sectors, from construction and infrastructure to mobility, high tech equipment, space and defence.
Q.3: Construction accounts for over 35% of steel use in the EU. But what are the next two most popular uses?
A: Steel is everywhere in our daily lives. From the cutlery we use to the washing machines that clean our clothes, from the buildings we live and work in to the hospital equipment that saves lives. After construction (35.5% of steel consumption in the EU in 2023), steel in the EU is most used for automotive (19.1%), mechanical engineering (14.7%), metalware (14.4%), tubes (9.3%), other transport (2.8%), domestic appliances (2.3%), and other sectors (1.8%). Closely integrated with Europe’s manufacturing and clean tech industries, steel is the backbone for development, growth and employment in Europe.
Q.4: How much electricity is needed for the steel industry to meet the EU 2030 climate targets?
B: Steel decarbonisation projects will require 165 TWh of decarbonised electricity by 2030, equivalent to Poland’s annual electricity consumption and more than 2.5 times Belgium's yearly electricity consumption. This is made up of 75 TWh of electricity for the operation of steel processes and another 90 TWh for hydrogen production via electrolysis per year. Access to abundant and affordable energy will be crucial to ensure a successful transition to ‘green’ steel.
Q.5: Windmills, solar panels and hydrogen infrastructure are made with steel, True or False?
B: True! Each new megawatt of wind power requires 120 to 180 tons of steel, and each new megawatt of solar power requires 35 to 45 tons of steel. The production of renewable hydrogen with related infrastructure also needs steel. At the same time, the production of ‘clean’ steel needs ‘clean’ energy and hydrogen.
Q.6: As a key resilience indicator, the EU’s steel trade balance is:
C: Over the past decade, EU imports of finished steel products increased by +68%, while exports decreased by -47%. Following a significant influx of cheap Chinese steel imports in 2015, driven by China's steel crisis, the EU has structurally transitioned from being a net steel exporter to a net steel importer since 2017. This shift has been exacerbated by a steady rise in carbon-intensive steel imports from other third countries. As a result, the EU’s steel trade balance has remained negative ever since.
Q.7: What recent developments could impact EU manufacturing value chains’ resilience and decarbonisation?
A: Global, carbon-intensive steel overcapacity will reach 630,000 million tonnes in 2026 according to the OECD, while China is flooding the market with 100,000 million tonnes of steel exports at a price which is below production costs. This combination has disrupted the market and pushed third country exports towards the EU. The EU import share of all steel products was as high as 27% in 2023, despite weak demand resulting in the lowest level of EU crude steel production ever recorded (126 million tonnes).
Q.8: What is a unique feature of the Paris 2024 Olympic Torch?
B: The Paris 2024 Olympic Torch reflects the Games' commitment to sustainability. It is crafted from a 100% recycled steel produced with renewable energy, significantly reducing its carbon footprint. The torch was manufactured entirely in France by ArcerlorMittal, across three sites — Châteauneuf, Florange, and Woippy—which specialise in sustainable steel production. At 70 cm tall, weighing 1.5 kg, and composed of 10 meticulously assembled components, the torch combines innovation, craftsmanship, and environmental responsibility to symbolise the values of the Paris 2024 Games.
Q.9: Is recycled steel manufactured in the EU?
A: In 2023, close to half of the EU steel production consisted of recycled steel. Steel is 100% recyclable and the most recycled material in the world with an 88% recycling rate in the EU. With decarbonisation technologies, the share of circular steel will grow even more, as the use of ferrous scrap can save between 1.5 and 5 tonnes of CO2 emissions per tonne of steel and other critical raw materials essential for clean tech products.Ferrous scrap is a strategic secondary raw material that suffers from scarcity, with 48 countries across the world currently restricting its exports.
Q.10: How many jobs does the European steel industry currently generate in the EU?
A: For each job in the European steel sector, 9 others are created across the value chains, from automotive to renewable sectors. However, due to Europe’s declining competitiveness in the recent years, the number of direct steel jobs in the EU27 has declined from 393,000 in 2008 to 303,000 in 2023,representing a loss of around 90,000 jobs - roughly a quarter of the EU steel workforce.
Your final score is #score#
#score-0-2#Oops, Still Malleable – Looks like your understanding of steel is in the early stages. But hey, every expert started somewhere!#end-score#
#score-3-5#Basic as Steel – You’ve got a foundational understanding of steel, but there’s more to explore in this vital industry!#end-score#
#score-6-7#Solid as Steel – You’re well on your way. Your knowledge of steel is forming a strong base, just like the material itself!#end-score#
#score-8-9#Sharp as Steel – Almost there. Your knowledge of steel is impressive, just a step away from full mastery!#end-score#
#score-10-10#Steel Master – Outstanding! You really know your way around the world of steel. Excellent (steel)work!#end-score#
The European Steel Association (EUROFER)
172 Avenue de Cortenbergh
1000 Brussels
Email: mail@eurofer.eu
Phone: +32 (0) 2 738 79 20